AI Powered

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous industries, and software development is no exception. AI's ability to learn, adapt, and automate complex processes has significantly improved both the efficiency and effectiveness of custom software development. This page explores the various ways in which AI contributes to these improvements.

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Accelerated Development Processes with AI

The integration of AI in software development, especially with tools like Visual Studio Code, Visual Studio Enterprise, and GitHub Copilot, has dramatically accelerated the development process. These tools enhance productivity and efficiency, leading to faster and more effective software creation.


Github Copilot for Business


GitHub Copilot, first previewed in partnership with OpenAI in 2021, is a groundbreaking AI developer tool that has transformed the productivity of over a million developers by enabling them to code up to 55% faster. With the release of GitHub Copilot for Business, its benefits are extended to a broader range of development teams and organizations. This version of Copilot includes:

Advanced AI Model

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Improved modeling algorithms enhance the quality of the generated code suggestions.

Security Feature

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AI-based filtering automatically blocks insecure code suggestions, targeting issues like hardcoded credentials and SQL injections.

Environment Compatibility

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Works with VPNs, ensuring developers can use it in various working environments.

Ease of Adoption

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Simplified sign-up process for businesses, irrespective of whether they use GitHub for source code.

Copilot for Business integrates the power of generative AI into the development process, offering real-time code suggestions based on code and natural language prompts. This tool has shown to generate, on average, 46% of the code across all programming languages, with a higher rate of 61% among Java developers. Notably, 90% of developers using GitHub Copilot report completing tasks faster, with 73% being able to conserve mental energy and stay focused.


Organizational Impact


The deployment of GitHub Copilot in larger development teams can have a profound impact:

Increased Security and Productivity

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Faster bug fixing and reduced manual writing of boilerplate code lead to more secure products and more focused teams.

Future Ready Development

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Copilot for Business is part of GitHub's vision to integrate AI across the entire developer experience, promising a future where AI empowers every aspect of development from coding to deployment.

Onboarding and Adaptability

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Assists developers in learning and adapting new technologies, leading to the delivery of better solutions.

Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio Enterprise

These tools further complement AI-driven development with features like intelligent code completion, advanced debugging, and a comprehensive, extensible IDE environment. Their integration with GitHub Copilot for Business enhances the entire software development lifecycle, making the process more efficient, less error-prone, and significantly faster.

By embracing these AI-driven tools, we are not only accelerating the development process but also ensuring that the software we create is robust, secure, and aligned with the evolving needs of our clients.


Enhanced Quality Assurance

Automated Testing

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AI-driven testing tools can automate repetitive tasks in the testing process, ensuring thorough and efficient quality checks.

Predictive Analytics

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AI can predict potential problem areas in the software based on historical data, allowing developers to focus on high-risk areas.

Improved User Experience Design

User Behavior Analysis

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AI tools can analyze user behavior and provide insights for more user-centric design.


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AI algorithms can help in creating more personalized user experiences, enhancing user satisfaction.
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Benefits of AI in Custom Software Development

Increased Efficiency

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Automation of Repetitive Tasks

Reduces the time spent on mundane tasks, allowing developers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of software development.
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Faster Time to Market

Accelerates the overall development lifecycle, enabling quicker delivery of software products.

Enhanced Effectiveness

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Higher Quality Software

Leads to the development of more reliable and robust software solutions.
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Data-Driven Decisions

AI analytics provide valuable insights for making informed decisions during the development process.

Competitive Advantage

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AI opens up new possibilities for innovative features and functionalities in software products.
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AI-driven development is more adaptable to changing market needs and user preferences.
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The integration of AI into custom software development marks a significant shift towards more efficient, effective, and innovative software solutions. By leveraging AI, developers can not only speed up the development process but also enhance the overall quality and user experience of the final product.

In embracing AI technologies, we are committed to providing our clients with state-of-the-art software solutions that are not only effective but also forward-thinking and adaptable to future technological advancements.

Company Facts
& Figures

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17 Years In Business
120+ Projects From SMB to Fortune 500
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154+ Years of Experience
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Debt Free Organization
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Perfect 5-Star Rating on Clutch
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Pioneers in AI-Driven Solutions

Our Office

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Irvine, CA
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Phone Number

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