DevOps Efficiency

DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). It aims to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality. DevOps is complementary with Agile software development; several DevOps aspects came from the Agile methodology.

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Benefits of DevOps for Our Customers

Tools We Use in Devops

Azure Devops

Azure devops

Azure DevOps is a suite of development tools provided by Microsoft, designed to support a wide range of software development needs. It encompasses a variety of services that facilitate efficient and effective collaboration among software development teams. These services include:

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Azure Boards

For project management, including issue tracking and agile planning.

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Azure Test Plans

Delivers a suite of tools for testing applications, including manual and exploratory testing.

Git merge

Azure Repos

Provides Git repositories or Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) for source control of code.

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Azure Artifacts

Allows teams to share packages such as Maven, npm, NuGet, and more, and integrate package sharing into their CI/CD pipelines.

Cloud server

Azure Pipelines

Offers CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment) that works with any language, platform, and cloud.

Benefits of Azure DevOps for Our Clients

By integrating Azure DevOps into our workflow, we ensure that our clients not only receive software solutions faster but also that these solutions are of higher quality and more aligned with their specific needs. See our client portal page for more information on how we use Azure DevOps to manage our projects.

Argo CD

Argo cd

Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes. It is designed to automate the deployment process of applications to Kubernetes clusters, following the principles of GitOps. The core features of Argo CD include:

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Declarative Setup

Applications are defined, configured, and managed through declarative Git repositories.

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Multi-Cluster Support

Manages applications deployed across multiple Kubernetes clusters from a single control point.

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Automated Deployment

Automatically deploys applications to target environments based on version-controlled configuration files.


Integration with Various Tools

Compatible with a wide range of configuration management tools like Helm, Kustomize, Jsonnet, and others.

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Automatically corrects drifts in the application's state to match the declared configuration in the Git repository.

Benefits of Argo CD for Our Clients

Incorporating Argo CD into our DevOps practices enables us to deliver robust and efficient solutions to our clients, ensuring that their applications are deployed smoothly and managed effectively across their Kubernetes environments.



Kubernetes, also known as K8s, is an open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Developed by Google and now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, Kubernetes has become the standard for container orchestration. Its key features include:

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Automated Scheduling

Efficiently manages the scheduling of containers on a cluster of servers.

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Service Discovery & Load Balancing

Delivers a suite of tools for testing applications, including manual and exploratory testing.

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Self-Healing Capabilities

Automatically replaces and reschedules containers that fail, are killed, or terminate.

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Automated Rollouts & Rollbacks

Supports rolling updates and allows for rollbacks to previous versions if something goes wrong.

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Horizontal Scaling & Load Balancing

Automatically scales application deployments up or down based on resource usage and traffic, and distributes network traffic to ensure stability.

Benefits of Kubernetes for Our Clients

By integrating Kubernetes into our DevOps pipeline, we provide our clients with a robust, scalable, and efficient platform for deploying and managing their applications, ensuring high availability and optimal resource utilization.

Rancher: Simplifying Kubernetes Management


Rancher is an open-source container management platform that makes it easier to deploy, manage, and secure Kubernetes at scale. It's designed to simplify the complexities of managing multiple Kubernetes clusters across any infrastructure. Key features of Rancher include:


Centralized Cluster Management

Provides a single point of control to manage multiple Kubernetes clusters, regardless of where they are hosted.

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Multi-Tenancy Support

Allows the management of multiple user groups and clusters with fine-grained access control.

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User-Friendly Interface

Offers an intuitive user interface that simplifies the deployment and management of Kubernetes.

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Automated Operations

Facilitates automated operations such as deploying applications, monitoring resources, and managing workloads.

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Integrated Security and Compliance

Features robust security and compliance controls to protect your Kubernetes environments.

Benefits of Rancher for Our Clients

Integrating Rancher into our DevOps practices allows us to provide a more seamless and efficient Kubernetes management experience to our clients, helping them to leverage the full potential of containerized applications.

Harvester HCI

Harvester hci

Harvester HCI (Hyperconverged Infrastructure) is an enterprise-grade, open-source hyperconverged infrastructure solution. It is designed to unify and simplify the management of virtual machines, storage, and networking in a cloud-native environment. Key features of Harvester HCI include:

Folder library

Support for Block, File, and Object Storage

Offers integrated storage solutions, supporting a variety of storage options to meet diverse application needs.

Cloud upload

Easy Integration with Cloud-Native Ecosystem

Seamlessly integrates with cloud-native tools and ecosystems, enhancing flexibility and adaptability.

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Unified Computing and Storage

Integrates compute, storage, and networking resources in a single system to simplify management and improve resource utilization.

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Built on Kubernetes

Leverages Kubernetes and KubeVirt for managing VMs, providing a cloud-native and familiar experience for users.

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High Availability and Resilience

Ensures high availability of services with built-in support for VM live migration, backup, and restore functionalities.

Benefits of Harvester HCI for Our Clients

Incorporating Harvester HCI into our DevOps solutions allows us to offer our clients a highly efficient, scalable, and cost-effective infrastructure platform, perfectly suited for modern, dynamic business environments.

Monitoring with Elastic


Effective monitoring is crucial in DevOps for maintaining the reliability, availability, and performance of applications and infrastructure. We use Elastic, a powerful suite of tools, for monitoring logs, metrics, and creating insightful dashboards. Elastic's key components for monitoring include:

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A search and analytics engine that stores all the collected data.

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Used for processing and sending logs and events to Elasticsearch.

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Provides visualization capabilities on top of the content indexed on an Elasticsearch cluster, allowing for the creation of dashboards and reports.

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Lightweight, single-purpose data shippers that can send data from hundreds or thousands of machines to Logstash or Elasticsearch.

Benefits of Elastic for Monitoring for Our Clients

By leveraging Elastic in our monitoring strategy, we ensure that our clients have comprehensive visibility into their systems, allowing them to make data-driven decisions and maintain optimal performance.

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Adopting a DevOps model doesn't just mean buying new tools; it also involves a cultural change. It requires a shift in mindset, processes, and, most importantly, in the way teams are structured and how they collaborate. We believe in empowering our customers through this approach, ensuring that they receive the best in terms of both technology and service.

Company Facts
& Figures

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17 Years In Business
120+ Projects From SMB to Fortune 500
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154+ Years of Experience
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Debt Free Organization
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Perfect 5-Star Rating on Clutch
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Pioneers in AI-Driven Solutions

Our Office

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Irvine, CA
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Phone Number

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